Career Exploration.
* Includes interest inventory, career and college exploration, for junior high and high school students. To access you must use the following: Username: fortdavis Password: tx79734
College Bound
College Application InformationMinnie Piper Foundation
* Includes lists of Texas colleges/universities/financial aid programs and the Texas Tomorrow Fund
* Texas Common ApplicationThis site includes the Texas Common Application and deadlines and fees for Texas Colleges, and Universities.
College Entrance Exams
Financial Aid Information
* Step-by-step guide on how to pay for college
* A way to begin the financial aid process early
* Must be completed in order to receive any financial aid, including grants, loans, work study, and scholarships.
* A website that matches the student to specific scholarships and financial aid.
General Information
* Broad information about colleges and scholarships
* College and financial aid search site
Parental Involvement in School
* Helping kids stay in school