Dear Parent/Guardian/Student,
Due to Governor Abbott’s Executive Order extending the closure of schools in Texas, Fort Davis ISD has decided to make the following changes to our 2019-2020 school calendar.
May 8 Last day of instruction
This is the last day that teachers will send assignments to students.
May 13 Last day for seniors to submit all school assignments.
May 15 Last day for students to submit all assignments, quizzes, etc.
Students must have all assignments submitted online to teachers or delivered to the school for paper assignments.
May 18-20 Students turn in school materials and equipment during assigned dates/times.
Students will turn in all computers, hotspots, calculators, textbooks, athletic equipment, and other school property. Students will also pick up their personal items.
May 22 Graduation Ceremony
The details for the graduation ceremony will be provided as soon as possible via letter to seniors, student email, FDISD website, and Fort Davis Indian Facebook page.
We greatly value our partnership with you, as the parents and guardians of our students. We recognize the challenges that have been placed upon your family and appreciate your time and effort to assist your child with remote and online instruction during this unprecedented time. Please know that we continue to be here to support you and we are committed to providing a quality education to your child. We look forward to teaching your child next school year as part of our Fort Davis Indian family.
Thank you,
FDISD Administration