FDISD started the 2020-2021 school year with a mandatory face covering/mask policy for students and staff. The district has, fortunately, been very successful in conducting on-campus instruction using the health policies (masks, social distancing, hand sanitizers, temperature checks, and monitoring for symptoms) all year. The district will not make any changes to these protocols for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. The district understands that certain families may feel differently about the requirement, especially given the recent statements from the Governor; however, the district is requiring students to attend school on campus, requiring staff to be on campus, and much instruction is taking place in small classrooms. The district believes this combination of prevention efforts and instructional requirements has worked well, so we will complete the school year with the same protocols in place.
Please contact the Superintendent's office if you have any questions or concerns.
Mask Policy
March 4, 2021